Tariq Aziz did not defect more U.S. B.S. and propaganda


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Meanwhile, the Iraqi deputy prime minister, Tariq Aziz, appeared at a press conference in Baghdad to quash rumours that he had defected to northern Iraq, or been shot while trying to flee. It looks like the U.S. is going to B.S. right till the bitter end. Why not when you have a generally brainwashed uneducated population it's easy.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Why not when you have a generally brainwashed uneducated population it's easy.



New member
Sep 21, 2004
I assume you guys arent Americans, are you Iraqis or or Iraqi wannabes.. from all your posts, you seem to think Sadaam is a great guy... is this how you feel...

The People's Champ

New member
Sep 21, 2004
It is good that you recognized that article as propaganda. Too bad you thought it was an attempt to fool the American public. Let me re-write that article so you may better understand (like the rest of America does)

US forces Iraqi deputy prime minister out of hiding

Earlier today Tariq Aziz was safely hiding in an unknown bunker, making plans for the upcoming war with the United States. That is when US Intelligence unleashed the oldest trick in the book. You see, the US military had a pretty good idea where Aziz was hiding but they wanted to be sure. That is when they released a story of Aziz's defection and murder. This forced Aziz to reveal his location and confirm to his people his was still alive and on their side. It was really a win-win situation for the US, if Aziz didn't rebut the story his people would be demoralized, and of course if he did reveal himself… well we all know what that will lead to in a few days.

Anyway, thank you Aziz for letting us know where you are located, we'll be sure you’re a primary target.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Buddyboy you are like a religious nut that twists the truth to suite you. So what you are saying is Tariq Aziz will now be bombed like Castro, Bin Laden and Saddam have all been. You guys can't find squat in these countries the size of a postage stamp but nice try.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>you are like a religious nut that twists the truth to suite you <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Mr.Kettle? Mr. Kettle? This is Mr.Pot, calling Mr.Kettle.

Uncle you always know how to make me laugh right when i am starting to get pissed off.

No all I can do is smile

you must be some kind of mastemind of wisdom and inspiration what with that avatar of the hiroshima...

nah, just another callous braindead.
grant is from what ever country permits one to smoke one hell of alot of dope!

definition of irony: grant calling americans uneducated!

first Iraq, then France

New member
Sep 21, 2004
And just so you understand, the fact that Grant IS from another country, isn't the point.

But I think it's a fair question anyhow.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

I must apologize. When I read your remarks, "It looks like the U.S. is going to B.S. right till the bitter end. Why not when you have a generally brainwashed uneducated population it's easy", I must have misunderstood what you were implying.

Let me explain what I thought you meant this way I can better understand.

The comment, "It looks like the U.S. is going to B.S. right till the bitter end", I thought you were implying that the US was trying to fool or trick the World with false news articles.

I interpreted your comment, "Why not when you have a generally brainwashed uneducated population it's easy", as you thinking that the US population actually believed these news articles.

Then you reply to my comments with, "Buddyboy you are like a religious nut that twists the truth to suite you. So what you are saying is Tariq Aziz will now be bombed like Castro, Bin Laden and Saddam have all been. You guys can't find squat in these countries the size of a postage stamp but nice try."

English is obviously your second language, (and you deserve credit because you convey your thoughts fairly well with it) but it there could be a chance that English is your native tongue so I will take this opportunity to debate you on the definition of words truth and facts.

I will put this in fairly simple terms, as I do not know your background or your level of education.

Each individual will have a version of the truth.
There can be many versions of truth.
Some people share the same versions of the truth.

Facts do not change.

Truth: "I saw the sun rise"
Fact: "the sun rose this morning"

In the above example the truth can be twisted but the facts cannot change. We can argue that I was asleep when the sun rose, therefore I could not see it rise. But that does not change the fact that the sun did indeed rise.

I believe that Uncle Butternuts said it best when he posted, "Mr.Kettle? Mr. Kettle? This is Mr.Pot, calling Mr.Kettle."

To answer your question, "So what you are saying is Tariq Aziz will now be bombed like Castro, Bin Laden and Saddam have all been".

The answer is absolutely YES. Also as a side note, you should use a question mark at the end of a sentence that is a question.

I am confused by your remarks, "You guys can't find squat in these countries the size of a postage stamp but nice try".

Who are "You guys"?
When you say, "squat", do you mean individuals, equipment, chemicals, or what?
What "countries" are you referring?
Please define "size of a postage stamp" in square miles.

Oh, before I forget. I wonder if one of those "targets of opportunity" the US targeted last night was Aziz?

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